Sunday, April 17, 2011

Naishkarmya Siddhi

His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji
Is it possible for One man to touch more than 30 crores lives in 30 years, to make dozens of World records with each one of them looking practically impossible, to build the largest organization without compromising even a single principle, to visit 175 cities round the globe in one year? How has Sri Sri Ravi Shankar done so much and is still doing at a faster pace than ever?
Over the time, I have heard Him a lot of times saying that He has not done anything, it just happened. And I have realized it too that all this is happening around Him. This is Naishkarmya Siddhi, getting result without putting any effort. You just be, be natural, and nature does everything for you. Nature anyways is doing the things perfectly, being natural is not interfering or objecting with it. When there is an intention with absolute surrender, the results come easily. 


  1. too cool...the second-last line is beautiful...Nature anyways is doing the things perfectly, being natural is not interfering or objecting with it.

  2. BE NATURAL!! mast hai...well written.
